Thursday, February 4, 2010


Anxiety had been tossing me around, kicking me and taking my strength. I was trying to catch my breath in my window seat. Headed north toward home with a tailwind. The sun was setting beautifully. Radiohead in my earbuds. Cleansing breaths. Ah.

The plane was in 'some choppy air', rising and falling with the wind. Some of the drops were a little more abrupt than I would like in this state of mind. A big one made my stomach jump. I felt myself clenching the armrest. "Relax, ride along with it," I thought.

I closed my eyes and meditated on that. "Ride along with it." Another big drop. That was kind of pleasant. So much easier when I unclench and ride along with the bumps. Another one...nice. I slowly doze off into a light sleep. Sweet.

Another bump. My id felt that one. Hands grip the armrest. I'm jerked awake. Fucking subconscious fears. Why must you seize control?


amy said...

Try to go back to the "ride with it" feeling b/c we know that life is goin' to be bumpy!

Hippofatamus said...

I need to learn to "ride with it" but unfortunately my own subconscious fears always get me in the end....