Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Up from the beautiful earth and back

It came up from God's most perfect little heaven on earth
Nurtured in the sunny freshness of American pastoral perfection
Fearing God, loving the flag, respecting elders and loving all its playmates
Healthy food, clean air, white skin, hard work, daily schooling, weekly churching
Just enough above average to feel special, but not so special as to be detached

The community of love strengthened it beyond the sum of its parts
It stiffened and strode about the land with the LoveGod power at its core
No obstacle was too big, no person could resist its charm
The thing shared its power with one who wished to share the godly glow
It formed a partnership with her, convinced of their own promise
The partner had its own strength, and all things were its bitch
The partner was equally convinced of the strength she took from God's love
She fucked the thing for love and when it didn't love as her God expected, she crushed it
She saw the thing shrivel into a ball as it reached to her allies for help
The allies stepped over it in deference to their beloved friend

It collapsed in a heap on a stack of hay
Surrounded by the community of God, but alone in Godless desperation
The hay rotted beneath its body, soon to become nourishment for the livestock
It felt the rot of God's circle of life drawing it to a natural death
The thing welcomed its own demise, ready for the pain to stop

But it was too weak to execute its own destruction
It lived on in its own pathetic rotting state of God's grace
There was no escape from the realities of love, cruelty, righteousness, strength, weakness and death
It just continued in simple houses, simple beliefs and simple habits
No one wanting for a change

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