Friday, June 17, 2011

Toe Very Proud (a meditation on pride)

I've lived for 48 years. I've kicked asses and mowed grasses. I've walked and run. I run far less these days, but still I have all ten.
Today I proudly remove my shoes and flash my ten toes for all to admire. A great and glorious God betoweth me with them, just as he bestoweth his Son on the world. The ten best toes I have ever seen on my feet.
Some of them are straight. Some not so much. But I'm proud of each and every one of them. The biggest and the smallest of them are each important to the foot to which they are attached, and in turn to me where the foot leads upward to my soul.
I sucked them when I was an innocent baby, as God intended. But they don't suck now. I've maintained them with socks, shoes, soap, water and clippers. Whoopee for me the bearer of the best toes on my feet!

Watch this space as I attempt further meditations and stuff my head up my ass.

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