Friday, April 15, 2011

Not =

I'm not like you, much as we're the same
Things are different, despite the appearance of similarity
It sucks when that happens, but not for the same reasons
It was a BIG DEAL deal when you acquired that thing, at least to you

Deja vu we jinx each other's words, but I meant something else
Sure feels good when that happens, but not like it does for you
Did you hear about Dave? No not that about, the other one
I loved that about Dave, but you think he's a twit

We are in the same place, we share this moment
It feels like a connection to me, a creepy look of satisfaction to you
I see things in you that aren't there. You don't see things in me that are.
Move on to the next moment, it will be somewhat like that one

We connect, we misunderstand, we love, we fight
Try, fail, joke, flop, cooperate, compete, thank and offend
Strive for that connection, keep tapping the keys together
Sparks appear, magnets touch. God touches us in pairs when we find it.

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